I am Yvonne Gloor, a qualified Clinical Nutritionist and Chef. For over 25 years of working in the food industry, I have seen lots of changes happening. These days everything is about convenience and the focus is more on getting “Fast Food” than a nourishing meal. Then, on the other hand, I get asked a lot, what food is good for me, is eating carbs bad for me? Shall we eat more at lunch or dinner? Everything has become very complex and confusing.
When I was nineteen, my mother passed away from cancer and that was heartbreaking. Then I did not know how to help her and felt so helpless. Now I am also a mother of two boys and just by becoming a mum a lot of things have changed in me and also the new responsibility to make sure I can care for them in the best possible way. What a learning curve that was and still is as they grow into young men.
What also made me realise that the responsibility is ours to be healthy and stay healthy as long as possible. My goal is to empower people to be proactive about their health. Don’t wait until you “sick” to do something about it.
Start now! Be PROACTIVE to be healthy, take charge…
My approach to this dilemma is giving my clients an easy-to-understand meal plan, recipes that work and don’t take long to prepare and also help with cooking sessions if required.
As a ph360 Coach, I have all the tools for you. Eating right for your body type. Having recipes you can look up on your app with a shopping list and more. Also, when there is the best time to exercise, rest and recharge your batteries.
I trained as a Clinical Nutritionist at Wellpark College and graduated in 2008. My other qualifications are PT, C.H.E.K HLC1 and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition FDN.
I am a member of the Clinical Nutrition Association.
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